Universal Studios Hollywood: What to Expect

With the new opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood, it seems like everyone is flocking to the park to check out the newest attraction. I had a chance to visit the park recently since I haven't been in over 10 years. It almost felt like a completely new experience since many of the attractions have changed since I was last there. I’ve had a couple friends ask me for tips and recs at the park so here’s my post on what to expect when you go for yourself...

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What to eat in New York City - Foodie Recs

New York City is home to many different cuisines and amazing must-try restaurants. I don’t think there will ever be enough time for someone to eat their way through New York and experience everything the city has to offer. I was certainly ambitious during my trips there. I never went to the same restaurant twice and tried to stuff as much meals in a day as possible. Of course I gained weight when I came back but that tends to happen on all my trips anyway. And besides I got to try some amazing food to share with all of you! Here's just a quick peek at some of the favorite places I went to...

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Tackling the NYC Subway

New York City is a great walking city so be prepared to march through those streets! But if you’re not keen on walking too much, fear not, the city has an intricate subway system that can get you pretty much anywhere. The subway runs on a 24 hour basis and trains are always just a few minutes away. Ask any New Yorker and they’ll most likely tell you that the subway is the easiest and cheapest form of transportation. You won’t have to deal with the traffic and parking pains that come with driving, and it’s a great deal cheaper than taking a cab everywhere...

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4 Tips to Snag Cheaper Broadway Tickets in New York

So if you didn’t plan in advance to book a Broadway Show during your stay in New York (and don’t worry, I rarely do), or you’re on a more budget conscious vacation, there are other alternatives to paying the full price for tickets. However these tips do require patience, flexibility, and a little bit of luck. If your heart is absolutely set on watching one specific show on one specific day with a specific amount of people, you’ll probably have to buy your tickets the conventional way at the box office or online...

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10 awesome things to do in New York City on a Budget

With so much to do and so much to see and so much to eat in New York City, your trip may end up getting a little more expensive than you thought it would. It definitely helps to plan ahead and book expenses in advance when they’re a little cheaper, but sometimes you never know when you suddenly find yourself with one week’s notice before you wind up in this wondrous city. Here are some of my tips for what to do and where to go to help you travel New York City on a budget...

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Throwback Trip: Attending the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2014

In honor of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show next week I started reminiscing about my past experience of attending the show last year. I actually didn't even know if I was attending the show or not until a few days before it was supposed to happen. I had already purchased plane tickets to London but my return date was before the show. When I learned that there was a real possibility I could attend the show, my friends urged me to change my return date just in case. This meant taking more time off work even though I had just returned from a two week trip, but if I didn't do it I would've definitely regretted it...

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What to Drink - The Beverages of Istanbul

With its long and rich history it seems like there's historical importance to every little thing in Istanbul. The beverages of Istanbul are no exception and there's even folktales and anecdotes associated with the taste of the drinks, how it is served, and what happens when you finish it. Beverages are an important part of social and cultural life in Istanbul. Water is usually my go-to beverage but during my trip, I just couldn't resist all the available options. So I've listed the 6 most common beverages you'll encounter in Istanbul and the amusing stories that go along with each...

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4 Must-Try Restaurants in Istanbul - Foodie Recs

When you get to Istanbul, you'll be surrounded with plenty of food options from restaurants to street vendors. If you're not sure what to eat yet check out my other post introducing you to the different kinds of Turkish food you'll most likely encounter. Whenever I vacation somewhere food is one of the top priorities for me because it's one of the things I love most about traveling, trying out the local cuisine. I usually get my restaurant recommendations anyway I can, from reading and researching online, asking locals as well as tour guides, and stumbling upon them organically.

After trying out many restaurants in Istanbul, I can highly recommend these four that were absolutely delicious and I would definitely pay a second visit to...

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The Street Food of Istanbul: Where to Find Them & Which Ones to Try

I really can't leave a city without trying out their street food. Street food, in my opinion, is usually some of the best food you can try in a different country. It's cheaper and much faster than sitting down and enjoying a meal at a restaurant. It's less intimidating if you don't speak the language because the food is usually on display and it's easier to communicate when you can point and gesture. It also isn't a full on meal so you don't feel like you're in a food coma afterwards. Lastly, it's a great grab and go option if you have a packed itinerary and you're rushing from one site to the next. I've listed the 5 most common street foods you'll find in Istanbul and I'll recommend the ones you should try...

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